I'm sitting in that boxy single level room on the right side of this picture as I write this entry. I'm taking a break from writing to make a couple of quick posts. This post is just to say where I've been the last few days.
The University of New Hampshire has a number of faculty development programs, the UNH Writing Academy is one of them. I've been squirreled away in the beautiful Mountain View Grand Hotel for four days this week with a cohort of about 25 colleagues, mostly assistant professors like me, trying to work toward tenure. We're from all the different disciplines. I was sitting up after a long day of writing last night talking over a glass of bourbon with a professor in chemical engineering and another professor in linguistics. This is a bit of what I imagined academia would be like. Unfortunately it's much more isolated, so it's really cool to actually get a chance to spend some time with my colleagues and talk about our work and learn about what they do.
Bourbon aside, we've mostly sat quietly in exquisitely appointed rooms, tapping away on our keyboards this week. I've written about 25 pages on two articles. I hate to admit it, but more than I wrote all last spring semester.
It's been a great experience. We head home this afternoon, but I feel lucky to have been a part of this.