Saturday, July 9, 2016

career mapping and transparency

Nice article on employer transparency about career development:
When career maps are paired with effective advising, employees are empowered with tools and support to own their careers and actualize their future with the company making it a win-win for both employee and company. The result is employees who are in charge of, and enthusiastic about, their careers.
When a company is committed to transparency, it forms a partnership between the employer and the employee. As the company shares its vision for the future with employees, workers will understand what the company values, and they can invest their time and energy in improving the skills they know they need to successfully advance within the organization.
rest here:

This was a thing I think the Army did and does do particularly well. Most young officers are encouraged to develop a career map early on, and most senior officers are willing to talk about their careers and to discuss junior officers' maps.

In my own research on early careerists, career mapping is something I am hearing a lot about. When an organization engages early careerists in career mapping, they seem to develop a much stronger bond with the company than when they do not. 

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