Wednesday, January 25, 2017

teaching and engagement

So day one of my org behavior class where I am trying to use open education principles to run the class.

Here they are working through a warm up exercise where they had to contain a reactor meltdown after a tsunami hit the New Hampshire seacoast. Of course they had to wear protective gear while they were so close to the radiation. Luckily they had audio communications with the rest of their team.

I have been drawn to open education primarily because I see it as an opportunity for greater engagement - for the students, and for me.

Unfortunately, I spent most of the class talking at the students about the class. I had hoped to actually have some conversation, but we had relatively little. That's me, reverting to "sage on the stage" type. This is not going to be easy.

They did make decisions about how to assign mentors. It was somewhat arbitrary, but I suppose that is partially because I rushed the issue. Lesson learned there.

Turning the controls over to the students is going to be a challenge for both them and me. I'm still looking forward to the opportunity!

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